Friday, February 16

An opportunity to vent

With love in the air all through this week, enforced thought it may be, I do admit l have felt a surge of relief that by being in a relationship I'm spared the trauma of finding myself on yet another disastrous date with yet another egomaniac with a bad case of halitosis. I have had my fair share of horrible dates and in some, unfortunate and retrospectively mysterious, cases these horrible dates turned into even more horrible relationships.

But of course now that I'm blissfully happy, I can look back on these mistakes and see the funny side, safe in the knowledge I will never be there again. Because boy have I had some bad dating experiences. Conveniently one of my favourite bloggers, La Cubana Gringa, has just started a new blog dedicated to this very subject, and it's open to all. Not only can I not wait to get some of my worst cases off my chest, I'm also very excited at the prospect of reading the tales of other peoples wonderfully awful dating experiences.

So if you have a particularly bad/funny/disgusting/awful story you would like to share, then send it to La Cubana Gringa and her sidekick Innigma (on itsnotmeblog at gmail dot com) and they'll put them up on It's not me, it's YOU! But I would like to warn you that I have already sent them a particularly unsavoury tale (which served as the catalyst for a complete year of non-dating), which you may come across when you visit their blog.

The image above is from a vintage Hai Karate advert, and contrary to what it looks like it has nothing to do with advertising the importance of using toothpaste (nor does it have anything to do with violence against women), but rather it is an attempt to illustrate how women would flee in disgust if their date did NOT wear Hai Karate (a cologne).


Sharon said...

I saw this and I look forward to reading dating stories from *the other side*! And posting my own of course. They will be long ago in days of old, encounters as I am married for 26 husband #2.

Lacithecat said...

Haha ... I think I will keep my date stories quiet. They are so painfully funny! Smile ...